
Inspire & Motivate

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when manifesting your true self.

Daniel Cohen Daniel Cohen

From Darkness to Light: Rosh Hashanah 5785

When I met Ari this summer as he sat in his wheelchair, I was truly overwhelmed by his resolve, courage and sense of mission. He had a smile on his face. He redoubled his faith and seeks to rebuild his life. He said that he would do it all over again even if he knew this was the result. 

He had every reason in the world to give up. He did not. How can we? He chose life and so must we. 

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Daniel Cohen Daniel Cohen

Changing Ourselves: Yom Kippur

One gesture of kindness may touch one person at the start but we set off ripples that can touch hundreds if not thousands. In a world filled with violence we are tasked to flood the world with kindness. In a world where so many lives have been lost, this year more than ever, we are tasked to amplify their light through ours. We become their conduits to live on.

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Daniel Cohen Daniel Cohen

In Memory of Senator Joe Lieberman: His Leadership and Legacy 

Hundreds of staffers’ high regard for the Senator knew no bounds, forever influenced by his authenticity, integrity and kindness.

Our country, Israel and the world needs us to embody his legacy and message more than ever. Senator Joe is not here physically but he is relying upon us to fuel this transcendent and vital legacy.

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Daniel Cohen Daniel Cohen

The Secret of Life: Wisdom from a 97 Year Old Man

Recently, I officiated at the funeral of Harold Godlin and was deeply inspired.

At the funeral, his grandson, Daniel shared that he often asked his grandfather, “What’s your secret sauce? How do you maintain such a positive outlook on life and stay so motivated and vivacious?”

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Daniel Cohen Daniel Cohen

Five Questions for the New Year 

How would the world be different without you?

Ask yourself Five Important Questions Now.

Make this year different.

Every day you possess a unique mission and potential to reveal the light in you and share it with the world.

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Daniel Cohen Daniel Cohen

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Daniel Cohen Daniel Cohen

Raising Daughters: In Honor of our First Granddaughter Ruthie Rivka Naama

Thank God, my wife and I are blessed with six daughters, ranging in age from 19 to 31. We are also blessed now with our third grandchild and our first granddaughter, thank God! I wrote this reflection a couple of years ago but in honor of our first granddaughter, I want to share it now. She was named after Diane’s mother Ruth Jacobs whose Hebrew name was Rivka. God willing, our Ruthie, will be a source of pride to our family, community and the world and the values of her namesake will live in her and through her always.

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Daniel Cohen Daniel Cohen

Becoming a Jew: A Yom Kippur Night for the Ages

What did he learn that night, what changed him? How did he come to experience God? How can we?

I believe he learned three truths - first, life is a gift, second, embrace the memories of ancestors and third, the spiritual power of a communal Torah experience.

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Daniel Cohen Daniel Cohen

What Truly Matters

What do we praise and what do we love?

What does it mean to celebrate goodness in our youth?

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Daniel Cohen Daniel Cohen

God Believes in You

Like the love of a parent, grandparent to a child, never forget the God's love of each of us is even greater and deeper.

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Daniel Cohen Daniel Cohen

The Power of Community

Our daughter Adina wed Moshe in January in Jerusalem. We wanted to celebrate in Stamford when they are both here for Passover to say “ Thank You!: for the role of our community in shaping who she is today. My remarks follow below and serve as a testament and love letter to the power o

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Daniel Cohen Daniel Cohen

We Call All be one of the 36: In Tribute to Rabbi Alvin Marcus

I am grateful for the honor of speaking in West Orange this week in memory of Rabbi Marcus, whose impact lives in me and through me. Writing the tribute to him further crystallized a life lesson for me and all of us that we can each be one of the 36 righteous people on earth at any given moment. May his memory be for a blessing always.

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Rabbi Cohen’s Book

For more words of wisdom from Rabbi Cohen, purchase his book today.