In Memory of Senator Joe Lieberman: His Leadership and Legacy 

I was in Israel last week for the birth of our new grandson but returned to America for the National Memorial of our beloved member, friend, mentor and hero Senator Joseph Lieberman. It was a moving tribute to his life and legacy. The service can be viewed here

I am now back to Israel for the brit milah of our grandson, God willing, and a FIDF Synagogue Leadership Mission. 

The tribute to Senator Lieberman, of blessed memory, this week was Divine timing as this week’s Parsha of Pinchas is the seminal section in the Torah about the nature of leadership. 

God articulates the character traits of leadership and tasks Moshe with appointing Yehoshua as the one to lead the Jewish people into Israel. The Midrash describes the scene as one of Moshe lighting the candle of Yehoshua. It is a transfer not of power alone but of influence. Moshe's legacy increases as he charges Yehoshua to amplify the values that he lived, breathed and dreamed. 

How does Moshe fuel this mission in Yehoshua?

He inspires him in his mission. 

Rabbi Shlomo Riskin explained that the word, Semicha, does not imply a transfer of authority but rather suggests that the teacher is leaning or relying upon the student. He never forgot the words of Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchk to him and his classmates at their ordination ceremony.  

Rabbi Riskin writes, “Rav Soloveitchik looked at us, his student rabbis, with great expectations. "It is I who am dependent on you. Without you, my Torah and my unique teaching, indeed all the traditions which I imbibed from the previous generations, will die with me. You are my insurance policy. It is through you and your teachings that my Torah will continue to live.” 

I feel that way in particular when reflecting on the legacy of Senator Joe. He was a mensch of a mensch. He walked with the Kings and Queens and everymen and always with humility. One of the most moving parts of the memorial service were words shared by Clarine Nardi Riddle, Senator Lieberman's chief of staff as Senator and co-founder of No Labels, who expressed how hundreds of staffers’ high regard for the Senator knew no bounds, forever influenced by his authenticity, integrity and kindness. 

Senator Joe understood our mission on earth is to serve others and to serve God and see the Divine in every human being. We are all tasked with finding ways to build bridges,  embrace others even when we disagree and focus on our shared friendship, history and future. We must never allow the political to become personal. 

Save the date of Tuesday evening September 17th when Agudath Sholom will be hosting the CT Premiere of Joe Lieberman: Centered password Joe

at the Avon Theatre. Our country, Israel and the world needs us to embody his legacy and message more than ever. Senator Joe is not here physically but he is relying upon us to fuel this transcendent and vital legacy.

May his memory be a blessing and forever uplifted through each and everyone one of us. 


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